
needs a safe and decent place to call home.

Through our affordable housing programs, we offer families a hand up, empowering them to build strength, stability, and self-reliance.

Square Foot of Hope Campaign

At Habitat Kingston, we have seen firsthand how an affordable home transforms communities and lives - we know that every square foot matters. Donate to the Square Foot of Hope Campaign today. Let's build HOPE. 


The success of Habitat for Humanity Kingston Limestone Region relies on the contributions of its many wonderful volunteers. Find out all the ways you can volunteer today! 


We believe that everyone needs a safe and decent place to live. With your generosity, a local family takes one step closer to affordable housing. There are many ways to donate. Learn more today by clicking the link below.


Our homeownership program helps families build a strong foundation through affordable housing. Wondering how it all works or how you qualify?